My first computer had a 20 GB Quantum Fireball hard drive. It was big, 10 years ago when everybody was still using 10 GB, when an installed Windows is only 1GB and most games only takes up place around 700 MB-1 GB.
After six years, I bought a new computer and the hard drive is a whooping 200GB plus another 40GB that I used as external drive, 1000% increase from my first computer.
Now, three years later, my laptop hard drive and all of my external drives, the combined storage is 1.2 TB. Wow, that is 1200 GB.
Mmm..why do I need so much storage space. Let me tell you, now a recent game will take from 4-10 GB of your hard drive. Fresh installed Vista is maybe around 5 GB and all the software, music, videos, movies (which may take up 4 GB per movie) can eat storage really fast. Can you imagine? If I used my old 20GB hard drive, it will be full the second I installed Crysis and Office software.
I’m wondering, maybe in a not so far future, gigabyte will be extinct, less and less people talk about it. Just like kilobyte and megabyte. I no longer see flash memory in megabytes let alone kilobyte. Now everybody seems to have USB flash drive with the minimum size of 1GB..
Ah…I remember the days of 720KB and 1.44MB floppy disk…
Thursday, August 07, 2008
I have 1.2 Terabyte of combined storage
Posted by
Nod's Blog
8:17 PM
Labels: Oh life..
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I had a fried egg, tofu and tempe for lunch today
I often resort to internet when I have question or problem with my computer. My favorite search engine is Google. Recently I notice that every time I search for something I ended up in someone’s blog (some techie guys). And it was very helpful. How they give information, support, help and any assistance for free (except if they gain money from the ads on their blogs).
It has become a trend nowadays (I think) that people share their knowledge in blogs. It’s kind of like publishing a guide book on anything that you know (or you think you know) and without all the fuzz in finding publisher, designing the book cover (you can design your blog though, but you don’t have to)and this and that. In blog, just type and publish. You can always edit your ‘book’ later on if there some mistakes.and you'll get immediate responses from your readers (praise, curse, anything you name it) It’s really a convenient way of expressing yourself.
I, myself have been blogging (with a very few posts ^_^) for few years and I have to admit that my blog is not really informative, well, not informative at all. It’s not gonna help anyone with their computer problem, let alone love problem.. ^_^. My blog is about me and my world. It’s as simple as that.
So, now back to my blog, anyone interested in what I had for lunch today? :-P
Posted by
Nod's Blog
8:08 PM
Labels: Oh life..