One of my friend had the chance to involuntarily migrate from PC to MAC (albeit reluctantly :-P). My office bought an iMac, the big one, the one where all components cramped inside a 22-inch LCD monitor. Since he’s the public relation, the head of IT division and the one responsible for all designing processes, the big Mac (not to be mistaken with Ronald’s big mac) fell on his desk. Now, his desk looks tidy and neat. No more cables and wires except for the tiny keyboard and mighty mouse with only one button. He was well prepared, even before he got the Mac, he already bought all the necessary applications. Word processor, antivirus, internet messenger :-P, he has it all.
I wanted to try it. So there I was, in front of the big Mac, mighty mouse on my right hand, and tiny keyboard on my left hand ready to explore uncharted realm of OSX Leopard. A sudden feeling of loneliness creeps within me. I tried the menus one by one, it was a whole different creature with strange symbols for shortcut. I tried hard to feel the famous user-friendliness of Mac but couldn’t feel it. I was confused with the missing right click button. The small pop up windows which has no close button and minimize button. The swirling line symbol on the keyboard which suppose to have the same function as Windows logo on PC. I felt like using computer for the first time.
I was saying to myself, my friend must be smart, he picked up immediately and looks like he’s already know everything about Leopard. Then he said something seriously funny, “I think I need to install bootloader so I can install XP on my iMac” . ha ha ha…it turned out that I’m not the only one who’s lost is iMac.. :-P. No offense to Mac user, but for people like me, Steve has to make Leopard not just user friendly but extremely user friendly…
Friday, September 05, 2008
Lost in Mac
Posted by
Nod's Blog
1:58 AM
Hablar español?
Estoy intentando traductor Google característica.Yo realmente nunca confiar en este tipo de traductor.Estoy pensando que podría ser interesante para poder escribir en español. Sé que las personas que hablan español se verá como este raro traducción.bueno, tal vez algún día puedo escribir en español sin la ayuda del traductor.
Can't understand? it's okay, me neither..:-). I was just trying one feature of iGoogle which translates the sentence you typed. I don't know whether it gives correct translation or not, but at least it's faster than looking for the individual words in dictionary.
Posted by
Nod's Blog
1:21 AM
Labels: Tech
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
To mouse or to touch pad
Finally I have a desktop PC. I’ve been using laptop for almost 2 years but deep in my bone I’m still a desktop guy. There’s something sexy and appealing about that big noisy box which is sitting on my desk. First day I got the desktop, I quickly opened the casing and installed two PCI-e cards. One is e-Sata internal to external connector and the other is my 3-year-old good for nothing pixelview tv tuner. TV tuner that I regretted buying it, well I’m still regretting it now. The e-Sata didn’t work, it did not recognize both my external hard drive 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch. I don’t know why because my laptop e-Sata slot recognized my external drives. Then I moved to my tv tuner. Installed the driver (after digging through piles of books, papers, wire, cables) only to find out that it doesn’t work, the way it didn’t work 3 years ago. Installed dscaler hoping that it would work,. Well, it worked, half working. Only the pictures showed up without any sounds.
Apart from these two misfortunes, my desktop is working properly although it’s not as fast as my laptop. Did I tell you I have a new laptop? I’ll tell you about it later..
Posted by
Nod's Blog
12:52 AM
Labels: Oh life..
Chasing Kangaroo
For these past 2 weeks I’ve been busy preparing documents and filling out forms. September 5th is the deadline for ADS Scholarship application admission. I’m trying my luck, who knows at this time next year I’d be in Australia chasing Kangaroo :-)
I’m not really good in bragging about myself (maybe there wasn’t anything to brag about :-P) and this was how I felt when I filled out the application form. I schemed through 19 pages of endless questions and fields. I was intimidated by how these questions gave a lot of chances for people who has big achievements, accomplishments, whatever.
Starting from the first page, GPA. Good Lord, I’m not really proud of my GPA. I reluctantly typed my GPA knowing that I’m only 0.07 from failing the requirement. Pfh, so much for studying in university for 5 years, I could not even pull my GPA above 3.00. I know I would type excitedly, gladly and willingly if my GPA were 4.00.:-). Well anyway, past is past, I moved on and thinks that my GPA is not giving me any contribution to my working life whatsoever. Or would I get higher salary if my GPA were 4.00? ($_$ hmm..)
I have finished filling out the form and I’m sending it out first thing tomorrow morning. I would not dare to even think that I would be short-listed for an interview. So, I’ll just sit tight and enjoy the waiting game.
Posted by
Nod's Blog
12:42 AM
Labels: Oh life..
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Heaven or Hell
I wonder, what will happen to us instantly after we are dead. Are we just gonna wake up from our physical body and run around naked? Because logically we do not have the privilege of keeping our clothes, since it belongs to the physical world. Just as we left our body and in what form do we take after we are dead. If we take the last form right before we die then I feel sorry for them who died old, cause they're stuck with all the wrinkles.
I got so many questions about life after death which has nothing to do with religion. Are they (heaven) going to provide us a guide book, which way to go or what to do. Like Life after Death for Dummies or ABCs of After life. cause they ain’t giving us enough guidance when we are alive. Another thing, can we fly after we die? Cause I've been spending all my life walking, surely I don’t fancy living for eternity on foot. Phew, so many complaints, and I don’t even know where I'll end up...heaven or hell
Posted by
Nod's Blog
1:48 AM
Labels: Oh life..
Monday, September 01, 2008
Sleepy TOEFL
Having a recent TOEFL score is one of the requirement for applying ADS scholarship. I don’t have any recent score, I don’t have any score at all. Yup, I never take TOEFL test before, any kinds of TOEFL.
So, two weeks ago, I dragged my lazy feet, brought my brain along (don’t wanna forget that) and take the ITP TOEFL test in Sadhar.
Saturday morning, 8 am and I was so sleepy. There I was, back to my university, in a language lab, sitting in one of those tiny half-a-meter cubicle. I was physically prepared, I got my pencil, eraser, sharpener, sniper rifle, you name it I got it. But I was nervous, can’t remember when was the last time I took a test. Strangers with tense faces all around me. There was a big wall clock in front of the class and I feel that it was running faster than it should. Everybody seems busy doing their businesses and I was hungry and sleepy and nervous, oh God.
I opened my pencil case, started sharpening my already-sharp pencil while waiting for the question sheet. The test started, listening, structure and reading. I crunched questions by questions, riddled by the questions or answers or probably both, especially the grammar. God I hate grammar. Everything went swiftly and I was finished 15 minutes before the time ended Put the answer and question sheet inside the folder, didn’t even bother to check my answers and peacefully took a short nap :-D. Dreaming, what a strange way to start a day in the end of the week..
Posted by
Nod's Blog
12:45 AM
Labels: Oh life..