Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Long relationship

There are some couples I know who I didn’t think would break up. They are the couples who have been together for a long time. How long is long in a relationship? Is it one year, two years, 5 or 10 years? I would say somewhere around 5 years is long enough. Long enough for the person involved in the relationship to know about the other person. To know about the goods and the bads. I’ve only been with my wife for little more than 2 years even though I’ve known her for 11 years. So I can consider our relationship is still young. Someone might argue that time measurement is relative; the quality of a relationship cannot be measured by the year it has been established. True, but I have to say that sometime things take time. Love, understanding, and acceptance take time.

I watched a movie last week, Weatherman. Story of a divorced man, struggling to pull himself together, to put his life on the right track and to get everything back in its place. He has 2 kids; one is already in high school. So he had been married for quite a long time. He has problem with his attitude, he’s forgetful and he can be such an ass sometimes, cursing and yelling. I guess that was one of the reasons why they got divorced. The movie touched me; it’s so human, natural, and fallible. It’s just sad watching him trying and failing all the time. In the end, even though he succeeds in his career he is still failed to bring his family together.

Was there a point of no separation that once a couple reaches it, they will not separate no matter what. A point where it’s not about time, it’s about connection. Where they already know the deepest and darkest secrets of each other. Know what each other was thinking without being able to read their mind.
I know a couple who had been together for 9 years and I guess they already had their share of tears and laughter. A couple that I thought would never break up, but I was wrong. They broke up for the reason that I could not comprehend. For the reason that I thought was trivial to what they had, what they used to have.
Probably they had nothing, probably they were holding on a broken relationship for so long that they didn’t realize. Probably they don’t really know each other, just a void togetherness..

Hmmm…makes me hungry..thinking about this kind of stuff…

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