Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This afternoon, while I was browsing, looking for information about the release of Canon 1D Mark III, I came upon an interesting site owned by a photographer. One thing that interests me the most is Panoramic Photograph but not Panoramix the druid from Asterix series :-). Panoramic photography is about joining (stitching) multiple images that cannot be covered only by one shot. In his site he displayed many great panoramic photographs that even cannot be covered by the wide angle of human eyes. So, interested, intrigued,inspired, I jumped off the couch, grabbed my camera and tripod, off I go to make my own panoramic shot.

My apartment's living room was my first object. I located the tripod in a point that I think is the center of my apartment. Locked the tilt handle and start taking picture. After about 10 shots, I transferred to my laptop and start stitching. To my surprise, all shots have different exposure, different focus and at different angle. I couldn't possibly stitch them perfectly. I guess Panoramic Photography is not as simple as I thought,

Then I began to look for some answers in Internet. It turn out that even the professionals are using special software for stitching, for joining the pictures together. So they can join those pictures seamlessly. Still one question though, how do they locked the exposure, the angle and focus distance. I'm afraid the problem lies in my camera. My camera is auto focus only, no manual focusing, no custom white balance, all are set automatically. Well, so much for my new career in Panoramic Photography, I'll just settle with macro and ultra zoom for now..:-)

Mmmm, can anybody give me Canon 1D Mark III please.. I won't be able to use it to its fullest, but I think I can learn..he he he...

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