Monday, September 01, 2008

Sleepy TOEFL

Having a recent TOEFL score is one of the requirement for applying ADS scholarship. I don’t have any recent score, I don’t have any score at all. Yup, I never take TOEFL test before, any kinds of TOEFL.
So, two weeks ago, I dragged my lazy feet, brought my brain along (don’t wanna forget that) and take the ITP TOEFL test in Sadhar.
Saturday morning, 8 am and I was so sleepy. There I was, back to my university, in a language lab, sitting in one of those tiny half-a-meter cubicle. I was physically prepared, I got my pencil, eraser, sharpener, sniper rifle, you name it I got it. But I was nervous, can’t remember when was the last time I took a test. Strangers with tense faces all around me. There was a big wall clock in front of the class and I feel that it was running faster than it should. Everybody seems busy doing their businesses and I was hungry and sleepy and nervous, oh God.
I opened my pencil case, started sharpening my already-sharp pencil while waiting for the question sheet. The test started, listening, structure and reading. I crunched questions by questions, riddled by the questions or answers or probably both, especially the grammar. God I hate grammar. Everything went swiftly and I was finished 15 minutes before the time ended Put the answer and question sheet inside the folder, didn’t even bother to check my answers and peacefully took a short nap :-D. Dreaming, what a strange way to start a day in the end of the week..

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