Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long days..(really long)..July 31, 2006

I can’t live without her..episode 2 of a prequel..

It’s only been three weeks, yet feels like a million years .I can’t even remember how many times I have said I miss you. Just like the dust in the corner of my room or behind the door, I kept sweeping them everyday, but I missed them, all the time. They just linger there, looking at me, looking at you in my mind. I miss thousands of seconds that I spent without you. How I want to collect all my longing and trade them for pennies or dimes, just a spare, like a beggar. To buy my wings, my breath, to fly to you. I feel like Jon, sleeping in his bed of nails, waiting for the bird on the wire, who’ll fly me to you. I feel like the prologue of a story, and you are the epilogue of an unfinished work. That we will meet only if the story is finished and read. Right now, the story is far and away, and painful, every empty page of the book transpires sadness, unwilling to let go and finish the misery. I still have to endure them, however, testing my love, to My Love. And I promise you, till the last page, the last paragraph, the last sentence..the last word, letter..I will wait, till the prologue embraces the epilogue in a beautiful story..

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